Lately I've noticed that a particular phrase is being used more frequently than ever.."Think out of the box" the expected output of which is supposedly an "Out of the box idea" which every client, boss and creatures of similar genetic structure demand.. Now, my spiralling mind wonders what do these men & women have in their minds every time they hurl this phrase at someone..Do they mean that they want others to think more as they are already at their wits end or is it their acknowledge of the fact that in reality they, including others live inside a box..
Yes, a box that was a until couple of years back, an unfussy place known as 'the office'where people worked.However as lives got complicated so did this box until one day when they started being known as corporates.
More and more people started filling into these boxes..there was much more to produce and much more compensation..and along came a lot of clutter and confusion until one day when this box got full of waste. Wait..doesn't this sound a bit famliar? I remember, as kids we learnt how to recycle & turn our kitchen wastes into something more useful..'the compost'..all we needed was a 'Worm Box'..hundreds of worms were kept inside a box in a cold dark room and were made to feed on waste..And in due course the worms got fatter and thicker, some failed to survive and all the waste got converted into a much useful manure..
Every morning I find the same scene at office..inconclusive meetings, performance reviews, bosses yelling at sub-ordinates for not being able to achieve the obnoxious sales targets and by the time noon sets each one of us is a party to the mayhem..
Then it looks no different than a worm box..Probably because there are some people who are smarter than us and they devised an idea to have the trash converted into something more useful.. They keep forth us the trash of their own insatiable greed for riches and power and we keep converting them into monetary worth so that they become richer and more powerful. And here we fail to realise that all the while we sweated blood for extracting gold for someone else's adornment, we lost on something much more valuable rather invaluable.. Happiness
Can we just stop living as worms. As individuals each one of us is capable of creating distinctive value. All we need to do is realise our own potential, create an environment of co-operation rather than just satisfying our own greed.. Expand our thought process ..Listen to what others have to say..Feel the pain that's not yours..See that's not visible..Hear that's yet unspoken..Try and Break free from the box..
Try and make this place a better place to live in!!